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Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Physical Activities That Develop And Rejuvenated The Physical Body Part 1 activities are for developing the physical body and mind. They give sound healthy benefits that befit the organ, nerves and muscles of the body.

The saying, a healthy mind is found in a healthy body comes true here. The physical body is to be temper to a state of limited rigorousness.

They can be employed to reduced weight and gain firm and healthy flesh and muscles, thereby eliminating high blood pressure and related issues.

All exercise had one aim, namely reduction in body mass index or weight loss and fitness.

Without these, the body tends to degenerate. Muscles and nerves, for example lose their tone.

Disease like cancer will result.  Healing of bruise or wounds will take a long time. Nearly all physical activities will prevent cancer formation to a certain extend. Cancer has minimal effect on persons that exercise regularly.

These three physical activities below will suit all round body development; plus mental development.

Before attempting any of the activities, do some warming ups like the plank, the jumping jack, push and pull, the frog jump and so on to lubricate and loss the joints muscles.

You cannot do without them. There seem to be natural as the fresh air you breathe daily. You can add your favorite, for example tai chin and or aerobic exercise as supplementary or warming up before doing jogging or going swimming.

Welcome to the world of physical activities and enjoy.


Swimming can be fun. But also it can be intimidating if you do not know how to swim.
When you swim, every muscle of the body is brought into action. In reality, there is no bodily exercise that benefits the body more than swimming.

You disagree? Okay. Take cycling. It is a sporting activity that is exhilarating and gives thrill. What part of the body that is very active in the event? It is the legs.

The arms and hands stay stationary on the cycle handle; but employ for direction of the machine. 

 And it can be said that the undynamic effort apply in directing the routing of the cycle is minimal compare to the pedal action. Pedal action from the legs benefits the trunk more. But it transported mostly blood flow plus food nutrients to the rest and upper part of the body. It also has positive rejuvenating effect on the upper part of the body in an indirect manner. So much benefit from cycling.

In swimming, the legs, hands and arms are employed very actively to move forward, backward or static. These tools are employed in a dynamic way.

Compare these two activities in terms of dynamic action and your will see that swimming is a plus and an extra.

The best benefits that swimming released to the body include the following:

·         It increases the rate of heart beat

·         Lose in unhealthy body weight and a firming up of body muscles

·         Swimming relief mental tension and so induces relaxation

·         It cools the body during a hot climate

·         Swimming gives relief to arthritis and rheumatoid pains

·         Post traumatic therapy, any accident that happens in other sporting activity is treated or relief with swimming

·         Hydro-therapy

Welcome to the world of swimming.

Learning To Swim Is Fun!

Learning to swim is easy. It gives fun and leisure.

The challenge is that most people do not know how to breathe while under the water.
How do we breathe under water?

This is even much easier than the swimming action itself! Learning to breathe under water is fun! It is easy as adding 1 and 1 to get 2. It is one of the first basics to learn.

A simple action of breathing technique will be demonstrated here. Take with you a big bowl ¾ full of water. Now take a deep breath (do not breathe out) and immersed your face in the bowl of water. 

Breathe air out through your mouth by blowing air out of your mouth, if you cannot breathe out with your nose while your face is immersed in the water. Some find it hard to breathe out though the nose while immersing the face in water. Continue to breathe out via, the mouth and notice bubbles rising as you breathe out. While you breathe out, you also at the same time breathe in fresh air in the water involuntary. This is one way swimmers breathe during a swimming meet.

Practice this exercise anytime you take a bath. Immersed your face in a bucket full of water and breathe out via, the mouth. Become use to it. By the time you find yourself at the swimming pool, or river all hassle about breathing under water during swimming is gone!

Okay, next learn to float.

If you can breathe under water or above the water but you cannot float, you can’t swim period.

Learning to float is much easier than breathing under water.

Here we go. In a big bath, fill water to ¾ of level. Lie on your back with your hands by your side with head raised but shoulder under water. Do not attempt to raise your legs. The body will float. We called this a back float.

You can even do this at the shallow side of the swimming pool or the river or beach.

Next, stand and check if water is at hip level. Now, place the palms of your two hands at the bottom of the swimming pool. Keep shoulder under water and head above water.  Your body including the legs will float. This is a front float.

How about moving forward with the palms like a wheel barrow from the front float position? Move one hand forward palms down one after the other. Do this for some time and have fun.

Then see if you can alternately kick the legs up and down in the water in a stationary position but do not raise the legs out of the water. Keep your legs under the water always. You will fall forward because the kicking propels your body forward. Just blow water out with your mouth and maintain your breathe.

If you can ride a bicycle, and who does not these days? You can do this pedal action in the river or the swimming pool.

Following this, stand in water that is at shoulder level and the shoulder must be under water. Be very calm and put out all fears of drowning in water here. Lift one leg up and bring it down alternating one leg after the other like the pedal action on a bicycle. The toes of the feet keep clenched but not too rigid.

 The palms of the hands likewise cupped to paddle the water up and down. Here the palms of the hand must be facing dawn the bottom of the swimming pool or river. As you paddle with one hand, bring the other up between the chest and the belly button level like the leg actions. This will keep you stationary on the water. With head above water, you can thus breathe in and out normally as on dry ground.

A simple action to begin swimming I like to introduce is the dog paddle. Every person can do the dog paddle. You breathe with your head above the water like the pedal action above.

Like as said earlier, the pedal action keeps you static in the water. You are at a vertical level. Your movement is stationary. Now if you thrust the hands forward and continue the pedal action with the palms cupped, and at the same time kicking the legs into a push and pull action, (remember to clench the toes) you are likely to move forward. 

You are now lying horizontal in the water. Keep your head above the water to breath in and out freely. This is the dog paddle. This is how a dog swam across a lake or small river or stream.

You should at this time practice the dog paddle well and become comfortable with it before you go for other forms of swimming like the breast stroke or the front crawl.

You can pay to be taught these extra tricks including the back stroke and the butterfly with swimming coach or experience swimmers.

Swimming Pants

Many and varied outfits are available in most sports shops for swimmers.

Women wear variety of swimming trunks, but especially bikinis for this.

Men wear boxers or pants. Some men wear swimming jerseys.

Children can wear pants and swimming trunks in nearly all cases.

Now, let’s take on the second activity, walking.


 Walk is very easy. Nearly every person can walk. Exception is the physical challenged ones in the leg or hip. Even a slight deformation like inequality in the length of the leg can enable a person to walk.

Many a person will not like to walk a short distance. Because transportation is cheap, you paid a small fare. You get to your address within 10 minutes so to speak.

But do you know that you can walk ¼ of a mile within 30 minutes?

A brisk walk can cut down the time to 20 minutes.

I am not saying that you should not drive your car or take a taxi, a bus, to such a small distance if time is not on your side.

But make walking a leisurely part of your physical activity.

Walking will benefit you more than cycling.

It is the starting point for you to jog. You walk to stretch out the leg muscles or you end up in pains after jogging.

Now, take a brief walk round a football field or a law tennis court if it is nearby.

Or walk to and fro a short road nearby.

Or else, take a brief brisk walk round the country side and enjoy the natural scenery.

I remember my second daughter getting up to walk. In fact she showcased it so well that it was a thrill to me and others.

A brisk walk as an activity includes taking a wide stride and swinging the hands that do some good to the shoulder as well as the chest.

Take a good look at competition walking at any Olympic meets. See how the competitors move their body. Even the neck is brought into vital play. Your entire body will benefit from a brisk walk.
The immerse benefits you get from walking as an activity included:

·         Your legs become stronger. The muscles of the thigh and ankles become well develop and coordinate
·         As in all physical activity, you will lose some unhealthy weight and in turn reduced your blood pressure if you are HBP candidate

·         Your hip bone becomes strong. It is the hip bone that supports the upper part of the body:

·         Walking as an exercise increased the heart beat. The rate of breathing in and out increases and thus, the lung is supply with more oxygen and blood. This eliminated waste matters like carbon dioxide from the body

·         More benefits that you derived from walking include increased energy output

·         Your digestive system will work well and digested your food well. After two hours or more of taking a meal, a short walk round the country side will impact more health and nutrient benefit to the body.

Start walking.

Coordinate walking into your exercise plan. Make a sound plan to walk round a school compound, a church yard or a short street to and from in the morning before taking your bath and going to work.

You can do this daily for only 15 minutes and you can loss some weight if that is your goal.

Or you do it in the evening before watching that streaming video on scream.

You can wear anything you like to go for a walk. But avoid bikinis.

As an exercise, wear a comfortable jogging pant with shoe to match.

A pair of tennis shoes or running shoes with a short and T-Shirt or a jogging jersey is idea.

In actual reality, you can wear any comfortable clothing that suits you for a walk.

In part 2 of the story you will be taken on jogging that helps you more to reduced your body mass index (BMI) or weight.

To your good health!

Miebakagh57 (Miebakagh Fiberesima) Copy right 2016.