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Wednesday, March 23, 2016

8 Best Healthily Oils For Muscle Health a fitness enthusiast, have you ever wondered about the type of food oils or fats fit for your muscle health?

Not all oils or fats, animal or vegetable can be right for you.

Oils are unique class of food that delivers twice the amount of energy found in carbohydrates and proteins. They also contain fatty acids both good and bad.

To begin with, let’s answer this question: can food oils make one fat? 

The answer is no. Oils can help you gain weight; but carbohydrates tend to accelerate the weight gain process. Why you may wonder

Carbohydrates are easily digested than fats and proteins, and because of this quickly released their energy into the blood stream on short notice. Carbohydrate digestion takes place within four hours in the belly, however fats and proteins takes much longer.
Excess of the energy is stored and this is where I and you gain an increase in the body mass index.

Now, let’s say you eat 100g of carbohydrates, 20g of fats and 30g of protein for breakfast. It will take within the usually time to release 4 x 100 calories, which is 400 calories. Within this time frame, either fats or proteins have not yet deliver single calorie!
At the end of 6 hours, you are sure to go for another meal say, a snack that will deliver a quicky, because both the fat and protein yet to make head way. It’s got to be a carbohydrate period. Here an orange, apple, melon, cucumber and a guava are much welcome for me. I think you can do well with any of your favorite fruits and vegetables.
So you see how carbs can make you put on more weight than fats and proteins.
Here we will concern ourselves on healthily oils or fats for muscle health. We start from the vegetable list of food stuff, for human being still hardly realized being a vegetarian.


Avocado is top on the lists of vegetable fats. Most authorities consider it to be number one vegetable fat. The average avocado contains best 80% fat.

Eating the food alone hardly benefit the body. But should you eat it in combination of other food items like whole wheat bread, rice, bean and citrus fruits, you benefit much, muscle plus heart health

Its fat content is unsaturated so its omega -3 fatty acids delivers heart health.
Depending on your age, body mass index BMI, exercise intensity and metabolic rate, you need one whole avocado after your work out to go with your chop plate. Two or three pieces is enough for a week, each piece is for the day of exercise.
Many bad things have been said of nuts. Some say these little punches are fatling pointing fingers peculiarly at peanuts in particular. I think if you are a sedentary person, eating half a cup of peanuts regularly once a day during every meal, you fit into the fat club.
I do know of some ladies who did this and got extremely fat; and now have a high blood pressure challenge. 
I have test this and found it to be true. It is the carbohydrate contents in the nuts that did the trick and not the oil or fats.
I have also tested this as an exercise enthusiast and find it real. 
However, the energy released is delivered into my muscles.
After every exercise of 30 minutes, you can munch half a cup of the peanuts nearly or half done. In this state, it delivers much of the health benefits.
Some authorities say you should eat only 17 to 27 pieces of the nuts on health ground, which is up to half a handful. This may be good for sedentary persons.
A jogger like me need much more than this amount. Before or after jogging a mile fro and to, do you think a handful of peanuts or any other nuts like 20 pieces cashew nuts or walnuts is sufficient for me? I doubt it. Unless one is on a weight reduction program, such measures are not sufficiently enough. 
I eat between half to full cup (a cup is 100g) of peanuts along with other food items and rest for 3 hours before jogging. Think of the amount of energy I give out during the slow leisurely run (and this has to be replaced) or jogging to go for a mile and back!
And on the whole of this, a cup 100g of peanuts delivers:
                                                 Carbohydrates.......................31g or 124calories
                                                 Oil.………………………………………72g or 576 calories
                                                 Protein…………………………………36g or 144 calories
which in all is 844 calories! Notice the calorie value of the oil alone.
Think of the energy to rest, relax, sleep and work and so on after the jog. All these have to be taken into account or you will be doing your body a great harm.
Other nuts like cashew or almond nut, can power your muscles like peanuts, and because of their polyunsaturated states, profit your heart.
All dry seeds contain oils. Pumpkin seeds as well as sunflower seeds are power packed with vegetable oils, which are unsaturated, and will help lower any cholesterol in the blood stream.
Pumpkin seeds can be use to make soups or stew and eat with rice, potato, plantain or yam.
Beans have polyunsaturated oils. Soya bean have higher content of oils than most beans. That of white bean is low, but the oil of any bean will deliver health and well being to your muscles.
Add some beans meal as a side dish to most of your chop plates.
Bean also deliver omega -3 fatty acid and may benefit not only your muscles but your heart health.
The only bad thing about bean is that it is gas forming in the intestinal tract. I have experienced this when I begin to chop bean daily. However, this is overcome by including cooked garlic lobe in the meal. Two lobes are enough for a plate of bean.
Best of all, bean, when cooked and left overnight increased its nutritional value, palatable and help reduce gas forming in the belly.
So far, we have taken four food stuffs from the vegetable world. Let’s now take on the animal kingdom.
Fish Oil
Fish oil is high on the list of animals, fish being cold blooded. Due to their omega -3 fatty acids, fish benefit the muscles and especially the heart, which is one of the most important muscles of the body.
Fish oil is liquid at room temperature and pressure. They are polyunsaturated and contain no cholesterol. Here they befriend your heart much better than any animal products. 
As a person who is regular on your weekly work outs, eat fish regularly. It is said one should eat a minimum of 3 oz of fish two or three times in the week. It all depends on your colorie needs. But you are much better off if you eat some fish every day in their varieties, and not just weekly.
So, varied your fish foods: mullets, sardines, tuna, cod and eel skippers. Fish or sea foods will include shrimps, lobster, crabs, and so on.
I like sardines and mullets very much; and there is no day that I will not munch a piece or two of either a sardine or mullet not to think of it in my chop plates. 
This two spices are very much heart friendly due to their omega -3 fatty acid contents.
At times I extract their fresh oils (for I am a fisher man) and dress my bread with them instead of avocado or butter. 
In addition they soft bones are good source of calcium salt. The bones of mullets when the fish is perverse with peanut oil for over three days get soften as a sardine; and is easily absorbed into the blood stream.
You can eat fish with any food. You can even enjoy it over a cup of tea or a glass of wine or juice along with handful of peanuts.
The protein of fish is more satiating than any animal or bird proteins.
Red Meat
Be sure to include a generous portion into your chops. 
But the fats of meats have one demerit. It has cholesterol. Although this is good to a limited degree, you should buy your meat cut along with bone marrow. This soft bones offer calcium that is easily absorbed by the body in the blood stream. In addition, the cells of the blood muscles are contained in the bone marrow.
The fat of red meat is easily digested to release energy; and can help you gain muscular weight. 
Another bad thing about red meat is that it degenerate bone health. This should not happen to anyone who regularly taken up their physical exercise two or three times in the week. If you execute your plyometric exercises weekly or you jog weekly, the better for you. Osteoporosis or loss of bone is more common with sedentary persons past middle age even if they do not eat meat.
Normally, red meat from inorganic husbandry that are feed from grazing and receives enough sunshine did not carry much polysaturate fats. It is those from organic farms that you have to be very cautious and worry about.
Eggs have both good and bad cholesterol. However, they are important for your muscles. Remember your heart is a muscle. The bad cholesterol contains polysaturates; and this is easily taken care of by many good fats (oils) from nuts, seeds, vegetables and fruits.
Egg fats contain omega -3 fatty acid or the good fat. Eating too much egg means too much polysaturares will be deposit in the blood stream, which is bad even for a keep fit enthusiast. 
Two or three egg, two times in the week is alright for you. Say you eat two eggs on two different days. The math is that you eat four eggs in the week, right? And be sure to eat them with some handful of nuts especially, peanuts that have many polyunsaturated fats or oils. This will take care of the bad fats in the egg.
Serving Of Foods
The serving or portion of food to eat differs with individuals. It will depend more on age, weight, exercise, physical activity, eating habit, and metabolic rate and so on. 
On the whole, the more energy you give out, you have to take in the equivalent amount; plus more to maintain other needs, like repair of tissues, digestion, sleep and so on. 
Hence, I can eat a serving of two avocados today if I am very hungry due to physical exertion, via exercise. But at other times I eat just half of one piece.
It all depends on each person’s needs.
To your good health! 
Miebakagh57 (Miebakagh Fiberesima copyright 2016)

A Chop Plate With Fish, Meat, Egg And Vegetables Is Great After An Exercise

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