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Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Welcome To

Welcome to GoodHealthFront

First, I intend to call the blog GoodHealthPlus.

But this name is taken on search result.

Next, I try GoodHealthFirst.

Again, this username is taken and I struck at GoodHealthFront.

However, despite the blog name, good health first and good health plus will be used in most of my posts and pages where it makes sense or try to clarify and convey a better understanding of a word in the articles.

Now, as to the meaning of goodhealthfront, I think you just stand a little distance and take a glance at some display health items where you are ready to pick any desire or compelling item or products. This also depicted content of my post and pages.

You may like or not like my posts and pages. But one thing clear and dear to me is that an unknown person will surely like a post or page.

This person will come now and then if not regularly. 

It all depends on the content of my posts. We do not have the same mind sets. Wants varied with every individual. 

So the products or post on health and healthily living will varied with each person.

These product not are not necessary about medicine. It can imply natural organic health products that can enhance good health. These are food antidotes to good health.

You then make it a part of your life or not.

Again, physical activity do promote good health. They are a tool of good health frontiers. They are so vital that if you eat well but do not take action to exercise the body moderately, good health will elude you at its frontier. 

Some physical activities will be include in this blog from time to time where it fits well into the story. I think making this physical activities and exercises a page, and then posting posts will surely do better instead of running posts at times.

I will make this my welcome message long. So visitors to GoodHealthFront  blog be aware that most of my posts and pages will be long over 1000 words, although I prefer to make it short to 750.

Why you may ask.

It is because the present trend of content writing online.  Long content writing is trending as king on the internet.

The longer the text, the better search engine spiders spearhead the search result.

The days when you write a 500 words online and it goes viral is becoming outdated by search engines like google, yahoo and Bing.

Now, the trends have changed to over 1000 words. Google the foremost of the search engine will prefer the over 1000 words content structure over anything else.

Yes, good health is the right of every person. So much of good health front can be a real pointer to good health.

It is a right to own into longevity. If I have to choice between good health and education or wealth, my chose is good health. I will focus on this later to take all the benefits education will offer me. I think many will agree to this.

I know of a fellow who repeatedly got sick and miss the classroom plus exam. It got to my turn and I miss a whole session. But with good health plus energetic mind, I regain the loss in sitting for the exam to graduate from university instead of waiting for a year more.

In this issue, I would have lost two years in class, though I lost a year and repeat same due to poor health.

Without this right to good health is ill-health. And it is said that ill-health is caused by sicknesses and diseases.

But the simple truth is that sickness, disease, ill-health like diabetes, overweight, high blood pressure, headache and eye and cardiovascular diseases are firstly the result of improper diet and nutrition, and lack physical exercise.

Diabetes is now recognized among all age groups.

High blood pressure is now being noted not just among mature adult beings but in boys and girls.

Still the truth is that it is cause by bad diet and nutrition minus exercise.

The food stuff one ate is vital to the health of a person.

It either results in good health or in sickness.

What is called food is essentially a fuel or the source of a fuel and an antidote for the various organs, nerves and system of the body.

The right fuel will give the right result; and likewise, the wrong fuel will produce a negative effect that knocks down the engine of the body. It can be the sex organs. It can be the immune system or the respiratory system.

There are two types of food items to note along this line for example.

Complex and simple carbohydrates versus refine carbohydrates. This equates to whole meal foods against junkies or convenience foods. Of the two, which do you preferred?

It is a pity that human beings the best higher animals can make life harder for self and others especially health workers when it comes to issues of health.

When I was a boy in grammar school, an Asian doctor once remark to me that he was tired of seeing sick persons for minor but serious complaints. That saying shook me to my being and I have not be the same ever since.

Here was a doctor who is suppose to see me received help because I was unable to eat well, but telling me to go and kill an agama lizard, cook its gizzard half done and eat it.
He took my papers and told me to go away without any prescription; and invite the next boy.

Eat A Good And Nourishing Breakfast

What do you eat for breakfast today?

You should eat a good nourishing breakfast always except when you are on a fast due to your religious beliefs.

First, your breakfast must include complex carbohydrates. The more complex the carbohydrate, the better for your good health front. This means the carbohydrate is high in fiber and starch that is slowly digestible and contains essential antioxidant or phytonutrients.

Complex carbohydrates like grains, seeds, nuts, fruits and leafy greens are good health fronts to long time health and longevity. These should be eaten in their organic natural state half done. This saves much of their protective properties and let them do their functional role during digestion of food.

They promote regular bowel movement and control cholesterol, type2 diabetes and high blood pressure. They are the keys to avoid cardiovascular diseases.

Again, did your breakfast include meat, fish and dairy products? These should be eaten along with the complex carbohydrates mention above.

Some person will leave home without making a nice and delicious breakfast thinking to get a convenience food near the work place. These so called fast or junk foods are the cause of more ill-health than anything else.

Most of these foods are over process and over cooked and delivers little or no nutrients. They make you put on more weigh and you get diabetes and the consequent cardiovascular diseases.

If you are like me, I think you can prepare a simple chop plate in just only 20 minutes. In addition, you can make a snack in 15 minutes to take with you for lunch.

All these point to the fact that you are on the good health front. Your body gets all the nutrients necessary for the proper functioning of its individual parts. You become healthier and healthier and visit the doctor less.

I want you to understand me well here. I do not always take snacks to work. For the cost of a small sum, I can get some fresh fruits and wholesome nuts like peanuts or groundnuts, cashew nuts and walnuts. Carrots can be bought fresh. Roasted fresh corns and peas make a good delicious snack. Others enjoy the fresh corn with coconuts.

But there is nothing wrong in getting a meat-pie with a mineral or malt drink, if this were not a regular habit. If you do it occasionally fine. So are certain whole meal fried chips like potatoes, yams, plantains and

The complex organic foods you eat regularly will either impact good health plus longevity. Or it is bad health minus longevity to you in case of refined carbohydrates. 

Do not dig your grave early enough with your eating sets. The choice is up to you.

Health professionals including doctors recommended that you go for the complex carbohydrates foodstuffs.

Stretching And Aerobic Exercise

One most essential thing missing on the good health front is stretching and aerobic exercise. Majority do not take exercise as part of the healthy life process that can benefit digestion of food substances.

The food we eat had to be break down into simple and small pieces. This has to be carry in the blood to all over the body. Glucose or simple sugar is sent round to all muscles including the brain for fuel or the muscles will knock down. Exercise make the heart beat rates up and air taken into the blood burn the food fuel for the release of energy. This can be express as glucose (fuel) + air = energy (heat).

Aerobic exercise is any exercise done without risking tiredness. You finish one and carry on the next others and so on until you executed all the remainder and you continue to breathe in and out without feeling tired to do anything again. Test aerobic exercise this way. If you can talk to a partner doing the exercise, then you sure are up and running. This is contrast to anaerobic where you run out of breathing as in a marathon or sprint race. 

Walking short or long distance, jogging and swimming are a form of aerobic exercises including the traditional ones like the jumping jack, press ups and down and the plank.

So aerobic exercises will form part of the good health front because it delivers some advantages or health benefits like raising the heart rate normally and the delivery of oxygen to all parts of the body, especially that help to digest the food we eat; and circulating blood along with the nutrients.

More About Complex Carbohydrates

Complex carbohydrate or carbs contain all the vitamin, mineral matters and phytonutrients the body need for oxidizing the simple foods like glucose which is a by-product of digestion.

This is in contrast to refined carbs which are fortify with synthetic chemicals which even contrast the natural and organic vitamin A, B-Complex, C, C1, F, filtrate factor and all fat soluble vitamins A, D, E, and so on.

In spite of the fact that refined sugar, flour and bread are highly favored, their still spike the blood sugar level after digestion and one feel wretch after a good plate of refined meal.

Whole wheat bread, even bread that is made with half part refined flour and half part whole wheat flour delivers much nutritional benefits that the pure refined white flour. You will feel very satiated in eating natural complex food items.

Synthetic vitamin C and organic vitamin C are two different things as the result shows in the healing of wounds is in favor of organic vitamin C. The same factor holds true in the preventing of a cold virus.

So eat more of:

·        Legumes or beans. In addition to their fibers, beans contain good quality of potassium, iron and folate.

·        Whole grains. Like bean, grains contain potassium, magnesium and fiber.

·        Vegetables. Leafy greens, carrots, apricot fresh red and green tomatos.

·        Fresh fruits. Papaya, water melon, sweet melon, mango, guava and any of your favorites.

·        Nuts. Groundnuts, cashew nuts and grassnuts or tigernuts.

·        Seeds. Melon, sunflower and 

The list is only a suggestion. You can add any of your favorite carbs, nuts and seeds, fruits and vegetables like banana and apples.

One more thing before I conclude. I will later upgrade this blog to the dot com/ custom or format.

The new site will display affiliate program on natural organic food products, e-books on natural foods, and so on where more information can be obtain for practical purpose.

Once again, welcome to the GoodHealthFront blog.

Happy reading.

To your good health,

Miebakagh57 (Miebakagh Fiberesima) Copyright 2015.