These are
the ayurvedic and Japanese water therapies.
But any
attempt to drink only a glass or two of water very early in the morning should
be consider as water therapy.
drinking a glass or two of water when one rise up from sleep in the morning
regularly and when one is not experiencing any bodily pain is a good health
therapy in specific term use only water to treat disease or ill-health. It
implies one should drink some glasses of waters early in the morning on waking
up from sleep. The ayurvedic or the Japanese water therapy says drink 1 liter
or four glass of water respectively when you rise from sleep in the morning.
The Japanese
water therapy specified that you drink warm water and not cold water. It is an
oriental custom to drink warm liquid in the morning. In the west, it is always
cold water. But persons who adopt oriental customs will use warm water.
Even if you
just drink one or two glass of water, it is a kind of water treatment. It will
do your body a lot of good and you are on your way to enjoying good health.
I like
practicing just taking a glass or two glasses of water regularly when I wake up
from sleep.
My intention
first in this is to cleanse my tummy of the previous night meals or the remains
of digestion. You see it is like cleaning a dirty plate that one use to chop in
the night. I wash and clean last night plates so I can reuse it for the morning
meals or next meals of the day.
More so, it
helps flush my digestive tracts in addition of keeping my excretory system in
good working condition.
So just
drink a glass or two of water cold or warm, whichever you prefer to flush your
colon or digestive system. This action also helps to touch other systems of the
body and work it to be in better condition of health.
I intend
also to re-hydrate my body of any dehydration effect that occurred during the
night while soundly asleep in bed. For example, you sweat during sleep and it
is a sign that you lose some water. What about when you wake up to urinate at
say 1.00AM? This is another lose of water from the body; and it should be
In sum, let’s
see benefits in drinking water very early in the morning:
maintained the water balance of the body due to de-hydration.
flushed and cleansed the digestive tracts and keeps it healthy.
maintained excretory health.
maintained respiratory and immune healthy and making it very strong against
virus attack.
specific diseases like diabetes, high blood pressure, asthma, stomach ulcers
and weight reduction.
the body of much need water.
much more treats stroke, cancer, various ulcers and so on.
W Water is the best solvent for poison and waste in the body and a taste reliever.
So far, do
one goes on drinking 1 litre of water or four glasses of water every day in the
morning on rising up from bed after a good night sleep?
I do not see
any reason in doing so. Exception is when one has an issue of ill-health like
high blood pressure or diabetes. Here you drink 1 litre daily up to a week and
over until the issue ends.
overweight person can drink 1 litre daily and walk or jog half a mile two or
three times in the week. This will help burn down body fat easily.
There were
days I cut a lime or lemon squeeze it in a glass of water and sip it slowly
down my throat. I take another glass of water, cut another lime into it and
drink the dilute tonic stuff down.
I even chew
a cup of cucumber fruit along with this lime or lemon juice. It will do the
same good thing and a plus as the water therapy in flushing and cleansing my
digestive track.
Limitations Of Water Therapy
Every good
thing has its limitation. Good health has a limit and if you take it too far in
stirring at the computer monitor all day long, you will get more than three-fold
issues like bad eye sight, neck and back pain, plus waist pain.
The same
thing can be said of water therapy. It is at its best when employed to treat a
disease. We can sooner or later see the effect of the treatment, recovery of
health. If your blood pressure is high, it becomes normal. If you are diabetes,
it is resolved when taken as prescribed.
So why do
you think you can go on doing water therapy every day in the morning? Do you
want to burden your kidneys with too much work?
The kind of
treatment like drinking just a glass of water in the morning will never pose a
challenge of ill-health. It always promoted good health.
Drink a
glass of water as you rise; then go and brush your mouth and prepare your cup
of tea or coffee.
Or you take
a dilute fruit juice of your favorite fruits. I prefer 100% whole fruit juice.
The Limiting Capacity Of The Kidney
The kidney
is a small pair of bean-shape structure located in the chest. One of its main functions
is to regulate the water contents of the body. It has its limit in this and any
other function like turning excesses of amino acid into urea and excreting
wastes and poisons out of the body.
Over burden
it with drinking too much water and the penalty can be death in extreme cases.
The kidneys
can take only between 800 to 1,000 cl of water daily.
It is wise
to limit your intake within this capacity as such. But much also depends on the
body mass index or weight of the person. In other words, very fat person will
need more water than a thin person. One advantage of this is that it will help
the fat person to reduce the body weight.
Another is
the amount of toxin accumulate in the body. Much water is need to dissolve and
flush out these toxin wastes. If they stay long in the body, disease is the result.
So, I do not
go on drinking four glass of water, or one litre of water daily very early in
the morning. I still have not seen any good reason why I should do that.
I eat fruits
and vegetables and there is much water in all these good stuffs. The
carbohydrates, fats and proteins in my chop plate cooked with water. My soups
have enough water. All these provide a way not to be dehydrated in the day in
addition to the waters I sip during meals.
In very
humid and cold conditions, there is enough water in the air; and when you
breathe in the air is saturated with water. Even the external body or skin is
kept most with the same water vapor. Taking in more glasses of water is begging
for a health issue here.
Limit Your Drinking Of Water
Like as said
before, every good thing has its limiting capacity including water. There was
this saying water has its own level. A sensible person will stick with it at
all times.
drinking water becomes vital to avoid ill-health.
You do not
want your body to be depleted of vital electrolysis elements (hypodrania), Chlorine,
for example is so vital to the functioning of the body and the brain. If it is
completely depleted along with others like sodium and potassium, water can
enter your brain and it will swell which is fatal and can lead to death.
enough water within the kidney capacity eliminates risks of constipation. We
know it keeps the stool moist and soft to freely move within the colon and to
be reject at due time.
On the other
hand, drinking excess of water when no condition of ill-health exists can lead
to diahorrhoe, which is the opposite of constipation. One passes too much water
along with the stool and is a concern as water is being lost from the body. In
effect, the body is being de-hydrated due to this. A special sugar-salt
solution to hold water in the body is called for. Just add a cube of sugar to
5g salt (half teaspoon) to 1 litre of water. Shake the mixture well. Take a
glass of this hourly and it will solve the issue.
dehydrating salts exist on the counter and you can get it cheap at reasonable
price without much trouble.
But be sure
to follow well the instruction on the label in preparing the solution or
trouble is the result.
Besides this
treatment, go on a vegetable and fruit diet. Take on any of your favorite
fruits and vegetables, including some dried nuts and fruit, and complex
carbohydrates like wheat bread, brown or semi-polish rice. Cook the rice half
done so that you can chew same thoroughly. This will help balance the water in
the body.
Fruits in
particular like cucumbers, papayas and sweet or water melons have natural
electrolyte waters. Their many phytonutrients will make things right. Your
health will be restored within a short time.
Do not drink
water if taste but sip a mouthful. Or you can cut and squeezed a lemon into
half a glass of water and drink this.
To your good
Water is a solvent and a taste reliever. |
(Miebakagh Fiberesima) Copy right 2015.