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Wednesday, April 13, 2016

The Beauty And Reality Of Muscular Endurance Strength Training For Non-Athletes

Muscular endurance strength training in exercise activity is definitely training your aerobic and muscular system.

It is both a cardiovascular and muscoskeletal training. 

As a keep fit rut or non-athlete, you want to increase your strength to jog more than half a mile; or even up to a mile. How far did you go within the first 15 minutes? Did you burnt out and tired? Does it occur to you that you should stop and take some rest? Be honest with yourself here. What is the distance you covered within the first 15 minutes? 
I would go more than 60 meters.

Perhaps, it is hard for you to jog further and you start taking a walk when that is not your intention. During a short leisurely jog less than 750 meters, I jog 15 to 20 minutes than I take a short walk for 3 minutes. I follow this up with a short dash or sprint 3 minutes, just to align or coordinate my body. Then, I would begin to jog normally at a leisure speed. You begin taking a walk not because you wanted to adjust your body but because you cannot breathe or you are very tire out and lethargy

Well, the solution is that you need muscular endurance strength training as you cannot endure more than 15 minutes of jogging. 

This is the beauty and reality of muscular endurance strength or power training.

You badly need some strength, right? You need to be strong and stronger. 

Here is the thing I like about jogging or slow leisurely running. The longer the distance, (up to a mile), and the ease in which you executed same within a specific time frame of 1 hour 23 minutes, the stronger and healthier you become. So to endure a mile or more of leisurely running, you need to train for that strength, retain such strength, via recovery processes and carry it to the next level of a mile plus.

Moreover, the vital question is, should you be able to remain this strong for a minimum of 4 weeks, and can execute same feat in your next jogging program while doing conditioning exercises (specific leg exercises and others) in the mean time. Hence, you must of necessity keep your practices concurrent. You can learn to become ironman strong if you care in actual run training.

All your stretching, aerobic, anaerobic, isometrics and plyometrics; and yoga exercise will be geared to achieve such strength training and power training, or you cannot go that far, not even with strong will power without experiencing adverse results of bodily harm.

Strength or endurance strength training has many good things with it even if you are not an athlete person.

Exampling Endurance

Let’s say you are doing some isometric and plyometric exercises as a keep fit enthusiast. You execute the isometrics press up or the jumping jack plank while holding it for 1 minute. Remember the longer the set period, the shorter will be the rest time. For this 1 minute set, you rest for 15 seconds; and repeat the set for another 1 minute for 4 to 5 repetitions resting for 15 seconds on each repetition.

Did you go through the 4 to 5 repetitions? Congratulations for achieving such a feat!
Your endurance is at a good level. But I am also sure that some persons cannot pass the second repetition within the next 1 minute and rest.

This is where the issue of strength or power comes in. You endure the first set but cannot repeat a second or third. You lack the strength or rather muscular endurance strength.

It is this type of persons that cannot go this far that are in need of endurance strength training exercises.

Such persons even have a hard time doing domestic chores in their homes like re-arranging the living room or washing the car.

Merits Of Endurance Strength Training

Endurance strength training is exercising to increase endurance as an athlete or non-athlete person.

Some of its many advantages include:
·        It increased the rate of heart beat and stroke volume of the heart
·        Increase in blood plasma without any change in red blood cells
·        The mitochondrial volume in muscle fibers is greatly increased in number and size; and a corresponding increase in myoglobin and oxidative enzymes
·        Glycogen and fat storing capacity is increased for the length of time work is to be done
·        The type 1 slow twitch fibers are develop to resist fatigue
·        Improves catabolism process. The fat and glycogen stored is use efficiently as energy during work, exercise or sport activities
·        Oxygen is efficiently transported and distributed all over the body system
·        You become healthier
·        You make your daily chores easier
·        A beautiful, energetic and younger you. You may act much younger than your peers
·        And because you are active in physical exercise or conditioning, the tendency for your bones degenerating during middle age is minimized. In other words, osteoporosis is reduced to a minimum. 

With all these good pictures on the board, one would think that strength endurance training has no negative side. That is far from being true. We can pin-point one or two of the negative effect as a result of taking the training and practice overboard.
·        Reduces testosterone level
·        Heart-rhythm abnormality.

As in all sporting and exercise activities, you should not go beyond set limits disallowed by medical science. For example, I can jog a mile and a quarter within 1 hour 24 minutes, two times in the week. This is the limit set by medicine. But should I do it four times in a week, which I am able, I will be doing my body some harm in years to come.
So you should be concerned more with short time endurance strength training. It is very beneficial in long distance run like jogging and playing any power games like football, hokey and base ball.

Now, let’s take a practical good example in jogging for a mile. We begin with some stretching and aerobic exercises. I think walking, apart from some of the exercise to stretch the leg muscles will do well.

Okay, let’s do few aerobic, isometrics and plyometrics exercises 1 minute each without any rest here:
·        Jumping jack
·        Press up and down
·        High knees
·        Mountain climbing
·        Wall sit
·        Prayer pose
·        Wall push
·        One leg jump
·        Jumping jack plank
·        Super man
·        Rope skipping
·        Push and pull.

Add or substitute your favorite to the above if you like. All these twelve exercises will take 12 minutes. How far did you go through them? Did you find it easy? Next time, try these 2 or 3 repetitions without any rest. It will take you 24 or 36 minutes. Be sure to keep breathing during each exercise or your blood pressure will rise abnormally!

After doing these exercises as a warm up, start walking round a foot ball field twice, two or three times in the week. You do this for between four to six weeks.

Since you can endure these distance (load) well enough, we should now apply the number of times you walk round the football field. Say you walk twice two times in the week, you have to jog 2 times (90 by 100 meter maximum) from your starting point and back to the same starting point. Did you get the math?

Now, to be real, if you cannot walk 90 by 100 meters, totaling 380 m, I do not see any sense in you to jog same distance, especially when you are always sedentary!
Start to walk! Walk up to jog.

In other to take advantage of such endurance strength training, you have to extend it over a period of time in your exercises or sports; and apply same in anything you do. Now, if you walk round a football field or a similar distance two or three times in the week, why not increase the distance later up to five times in a week? You will be greatly training both your cardio and muscular system to become strong.

Strength-endurance is the ability to be strong over an extended period of time.

Heavy Loading

Physical exercises are geared toward conditioning a person for fitness, like in aerobic exercises. Endurance training is exercising to increase endurance. To train for a leisurely running event like jogging, one has to increase the distance up to a mile. If you target 190 meters, It got to be increase by 30% in the next training. Then you increase it by 50% in the next one and so on. In this way, you are adding more load to your training sessions that you are able to endure for a given period.

As the training progress, the rate of endurance likewise increases by a higher percentage. It is from such progressions that one can go for 800 meters to 1.4km. Road cycling and swimming are other examples.

Weight Lifting

You can use weight lifting to train for endurance strength. But the bulky muscles that will result will not help you run or swim well. It will do you some good in cycling. So if you use weight lifting to train for endurance strength, apply it where it will be beneficial. In case of jogging, you should not allow gain in weight or it will undermine your jogging efforts. Muscle mass is not strength. Building lean muscle is much better for a jogger.
How To Increase Endurance Strength

Now, the question is how to increase endurance strength. You must have a program to do these three things:
·        Increase your work load
·        Have shorter rest times
·        Increase volume of work

Increase your work load (jogging distance). To be stronger, you have to increase your jogging or leisurely running distances. This is the work load. The more you increase the distance you have to jog, the stronger you become till you pass the 1 mile limitation.

Shorten your rest periods. At the end of every run, you should shorten your rest periods to not more than 5 minutes. Then carry out some more aerobic, isometric and plyometric exercises as a recovery processes. You should try to recover faster when you are under tension or strain! This will make you much stronger.

Increase Your Work Volume. It is when you are best at doing big volume of work along with less rest periods that you will have the endurance strength.

Fueling And Refueling

In all these warming up and practice exercises, you have burn up some fuel. These need to be replaced. You also have to consider more fuel for damage done to muscle tissues and for repair, and to build up the body.

Before doing any of the exercises, you have to eat. Eat some good and nutritious meal that will deliver the energy to give you peak performance. Junk or convenience foods are not suggested here. Eat complex natural food sources from nature.
You must rest for a minimum of 1 hour if you had a light breakfast meal; if the meal is heavy rest for 2 to 3 hours.

It will do you much good if you include fruit and vegetables more matter in your chop plate to deliver natural phytonutrients the body needs.

If you do not eat well, and refuel well, you are a loser in endurance strength training.
Hence, include much protein (fish) complex carbohydrates and some fats especially red meat in your diet; along with greens, nuts, seeds and fruits.

Of specific interest is the place of both animal and vegetable or plant proteins in the diet.

Proteins, when properly digested  released amino acids, the building blocks that make cells and are use to build body tissues.

How much protein do you need? It is estimate a fully grown up person taking up physical fitness program needs a minimum of 35g of protein for women. Men need more 48g. It all depends on your eating habit or metabolism plus body mass index. Normally, 0.8g of protein is need per kg of body weight. This would equate to 1.00g in simplify numbers. Say you weight y kg. So you may need y x 1.00 g of protein per kg of body weight. Your maximum protein intake for the day should be 200g or 1000 calories and not much.

Of equal importance is the amount of both animal and vegetable proteins in the diet. Should you prefer animals to that of plants or vegetables? Both make a good balance. I usually include beans and peanuts along with sardine and mullets plus red meat in my chop plates; plus seeds and avocado. These paired combination deliver the much need heart health plus muscle health!

Drink water to replace losses in sweat. Drink when tasty. Cut a fresh lime or lemon and squeeze same into your bottle of water and drink. It is very good for the muscles.
I have never eaten a supplement whenever I go on a jogging session, because I am not intended on building muscle mass. I depend wholly on natural complex food stuffs; and I have always been well physically and strong.

To your good health and running pleasure!
Miebakagh57 (Miebakagh Fiberesima) Copyright 2016.

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